February Star Bytes©

Jen’s monthly Zodiac sun-sign Star Bytes© for February.  Enjoy!

Happy (early) Valentine’s Day everyone!  Remember “Love Actually” is around us everywhere!  (Also Happy Lunar New Year – I will be posting another blog about the year of the Wood Horse in the next week, and farewell to year of Water Snake)


While your birthday month is approaching to begin another year of life, you will also be turning this current birth year; making this month a good time for reflection to help guide your goals for the upcoming birthday and year.  What areas of yourself and your life do you see opportunity to make changes?  Also, let go of what is necessary in order to make room to do so.  Try to allow for some balance for this opportunity for a self-reflection process should choose to while also expending some energy to stay connected to others.  Your relationships may be an area that comes to your attention.


If you were doing some review of past values and your life belief systems, you may feel a more forward direction to integrate them into how you meet your current social responsibilities.   Also prepare to expend effort in working through some challenges with communications or exchanges of information or misunderstandings, particularly for those with May 9-20th birthdays.  Remember that flexibility or change doesn’t necessarily mean you won’t reach your goals, try to find a middle ground; review, revise to make sure you’re being clear and that you’re clearly understanding what’s trying to be communicated.  To catalyze your ambitions, transformation and power may feel like it’s being bestowed upon those with May 3rd and 4th birthdays.


You may find that you operate with ease if you are doing any revising, reviewing or refreshing the content, style or forms of communications this month.  Don’t be surprised if you’re blown away by what insights you learn while revisiting already familiar study material (especially for those born between May 21-June 9th). For those born between June 14-19th, you’re feeling passionate, and charged to go ahead to pursue what you want…just be careful you don’t steamroll anyone in the process – also good time to get involved in physical activities as long as you’re in action.


Three out of the four notable points for this month’s cycle of the Moon, which is Cancer’s ruling astronomical body, lies in fixed signs bringing stabilizing energies in areas of joint and personal resources.  New and shared resources related to career initiatives or your public life that begun on January 30th may come reach a significant stage of fruition in your area of personal values (that may include finances) around February 14th.  Around February 6th is a critical time relating to these activities that also involves groups or your company’s finances.  Take stock of the month near the end of February after the 22nd to see how determination and persistence played a part in how the month’s events unfolded.


Some tensions in your close relationships or commitments a couple of days before the beginning of the month may continue to build but possible solutions or compromises may become much more clear around February 14th.  Try to find a balance between meeting your needs while meeting the needs of others.  Be aware of how this may take place in your outer life or in your career.  After February 22nd is a good time to understand the life lessons of this month.  Those Leo’s with August 2nd – 5th birthdays may feel like taking advantage of this month to actively discover a new part of yourself, or make changes to yourself or your life that you find exciting – a good time to invest in personal growth.


February 3rd is an intense day of communications, ideas that may change and shift throughout the day with deep layers like the ocean waters, hard to pinpoint or tangibly grasp, or charged with emotional and/or related to spiritual, compassionate topics.  Those born between February 19th-22nd may find some communications somewhat more challenging with opposing sides requiring to find a compromise.   The month focuses on working out these issues.  After February 28th, hopefully things have been ironed out in order for matters to begin to move on more smoothly from there.  For those with September 5-6th birthdays, It’s a good time to take advantage of your empowered inner resolve, and strength to helping others, problem-solving or achieving what it is that you want accomplished.  Also, you may need to rethink and readjust some self-improvement regiment like your diet or health routine, or make some adjustments in your daily work.  Maybe you end up problem-solving an old issue in a new way.


An excellent time to process all this extra energy through sports, or anything physical or competitive.  (Those born between October 17-21st are fueled with passion, motivation and enthusiasm as they feel a boost of energy to help them Go-Go-Go!!!!!  and get their tasks, and projects moving.)   Hopefully you feel more grounded and clear about matters in your private life this month that also helps you feel more confident.   Those born around October 3rd and 4th may feel pulled to make unfamiliar changes in their close relationships.  A good month to also recharge your mind by doing something creative, fun and/or self-expressive.


You’re challenged to examine how you’re meeting your emotional needs and desires in your home, private life and how you’ve built an outer, career life to give you emotional security.  How have these two areas of life affected and influenced your maturation process as an individual and lifetime accomplishments thus far?  While you need to recognize mistakes to improve, also remember to celebrate your successes and personal bests.   Also, February 6th highlights emotional bonds you’re building towards in your relationships.  A good month to work behind the scenes or to give of yourself in a charitable way.  This gives you opportunity to understand on an emotional level a kind of plan you need to fine tune yourself and/or achieving your goals.  Pay attention to your reactions January 30th, February 6th, 14th and Feburary 22nd.


You’re motivated, driven and passionate around activities involving community or groups of like-minded kin.   Discussions at the start of the month may involve conflict or friction as February 3rd is an intense day of communications, involving differences in ideology that you may have to closely follow and figure out as the tone, or intended messages may change and shift throughout the day as the ocean waters.  You will have opportunity to revise and make changes to resolve differences in philosophies, dreams, or visions, and how ideas are communicated or transmitted.  Maybe you end up accommodating by changing some of your own initial ideas.  Things become more clear and the situation becomes more pleasing to you around February 14th.  Perhaps this expands your life experiences to bring you closer to others, consider the mini-life lessons of this month’s journey during the last week of February 22nd.


Knowing what it is that you want for yourself, you feel driven to achieve and meet your career goals willing to bust through any perceived hurdles, challenges or roadblocks in the way.  Channel your driven ambition strategically and make diplomatic decisions. Check-in with yourself and release frustration or bent up anger through working out or healthy competition.  Think of the political longterm effects and consequences of attaining short-term gains  at any or all costs and play out your politics in such a way that maintain cordial if not build reliable work relations based on respect and integrity (more emphasized for January 14th-18th birthdays).  Those born between January 4th-16th may notice a typical enjoyable energy emphasized around socializing, the arts or ability to attract what they want, perhaps related to what was going around in mid-late November into early December.


Happy Birthday Aquarians!  Hold-fast towards your career goals.  The start of the month you feel in tune and aligned with yourself.  It’s a good time to persevere and pursue your ambitions.  The cosmos are backing you up with the disciplinary energies to stick with transforming a masterpiece out of scratch, whether it be towards a promotion, working towards being certified or accredited in a study program, part of a big project or if you’re building something creative (perhaps it feels like its on a grand-scale like an opera, concerto museum, constructing an architectural building, an NGO or a community or organization).  Task-master Saturn is on your side, continue to apply your determination and keep fixated on what needs to be done in incremental stages.  Patience, coupled with big-picture changes and discipline are needed to accomplish great things as the saying goes:  One percent inspiration, 99% perspiration….so keep on at it!  Use the Mercury Retrograde to recharge, do some internal reflection and rethinking of your approach, your vision of the future – particularly for those born January 21st to February 7th.  Any painful gains you make this year through sweat and tears towards your life’s masterpiece of work will pay off and manifest later through reward and self-satisfaction, but if you slack off, you’ll have to deal with possible self-disappointments later, lost time, opportunities.  Your labour now transforms into permanent gains of the future.  An important month to think about what your life’s masterpiece of work is going to be about for your new birth year, plan accordingly and then continue to apply yourself, make the time count.  Set your intentions before February 6th.  For February13-16th Aquarian birthdays, this solar year for you is charged with action, passion and drive, channel it constructively or in healthy competition and physical exercise is good to blow-off excess steam and to rid of frustration.


The first week of the month highlights mental activities (writing, speech, learning) and February 3rd is intensified.   You benefit to carry mental tasks in solitude or retreat if possible.  February 14th gives opportunity to get those mental tasks done.  It’s a good time for Pisceans with February birthdays to start doing some pre-thinking to set intentions for their birthday year ahead.  February 23rd and 24th birthdays may expect their year to be transcendental, increased spiritual awareness or heightened intuitive sensitivities or creatively channelling the collective unconsciousness of the masses.  Despite feeling like things are as clear as a thick fog, you are energetically supported with discipline and determination that acts as the backbone that grounds you (especially those born March 13-14th).  Continue to meld your dreams, visions and beliefs into your self-expression, or creativity.

About Sun-sign columns:

A brief history of astrology and Sun-signs:  Though it was once the mother of science and medicine, Astrology’s rejection from society began after planets past Saturn were discovered, yet continued to be practiced as the sophisticated and complex system involving 9 planets (depending on if you still hold a personal belief that Pluto is still a planet, or not).  In the late 1800’s Alan Leo, known as the father of modern astrology, used only the Sun, one yet main important aspect of astrology to create what is known to most people as Sun-sign.  When someone says “I’m a Pisces” they’re really referring to only one aspect of their astrological make-up based on the fact that they were born between Feb.19-March 20.  Critics with this understanding of astrology will dismiss its validity citing that astrology overgeneralizes by dividing the world into 12 groups of personality patterns, the point of confusion here being between this one general method of Sun-sign astrology vs. the authentic complex field of astrology and its rich techniques.  In fact, as the latter astrology does account for each person’s unique individuality based on their exact time and location of birth.  As a result, Sun-sign columns are in fact more general, and can serve its purpose to a degree with some validity as well as a quick entertainment break for those curious, believers or not.  To get a detailed and personal interpretation unique to you and you only, you need to use your birth or natal chart.  An astrologer is one who can help you interpret it.

© Jen N. 2014

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